Here is a picture of the newest member of Peterborough Pilgrims to Santiago.
Joseph Cameron. He is an intern with us. His work will be help
develop a youth pilgrimage next year. We hope to establish Santiago pilgrimage
with young people in the UK in much the same way as it is practiced in Spain.
So if you know anyone between the ages of 16 and 24 who would like to come with
us next year, we are open for business. For the time being he is staying at the Vicarage
in Far Cotton. If would like to contact him and invite him to your youth group,
his email address
Joseph will be part of the Pilgrimage that leaves the UK on Saturday for a
walk from Hospital Orbigeo to Santiago.
The Pilgrims enjoy lunch on a recent practice hike, getting ready for the September
pilgrimage. They are Julie and Ian Staires and Pamela Coulter.
The other two members of the pilgrimage are, Joseph Cameron, above,
and me. We go to Hospital on Saturday and return on the 22 September.
Spanish lessons.
Mercedes Finning will be teaching Spanish to all comers this Autumn. This time it
will be much nearer a formal adult education event that last year. Details Soon.
1st Sunday Gatherings.
You may remember that at the Jiuly pilgrim feast I announced that we would be start a
group on the first Sunday afternoon of each month at 4pm. This is for those who want
to explore what it means to live life as a pilgrimage . We start on the first Sunday of October.
It is open to all and is not restricted to those who have been on a pilgrimage with us.